The painful part : it gets dirty easily.
LOOK how dirty the seats are, after approximately ten years of usage. Only a handful of drivers can differenciate when it was totally clean. These seats get dirty over time, gradually. That is why car owners don't see much of a difference.... until it's cleaned.
The door panel, dirty leather too. Yeah, I've black hands half the time.

Driver's seat, arm rest and passenger seat, all BLACK.
This calls for some interior cleaning. The dashboard is also all dried up over years of parking under the sun from time to time. This time round, I contacted Dennis of Denskiro Automotive Works again to take up the job.

Before and after, notice the difference. All stubborn stain cleaned with Meguiar's products. The seat was masked off in half. Makes cleaning easier as you don't want to not be able to see the difference before and after cleaning.
Door panel leather portion was also cleaned.
This panel is 17 years old.
Dashboard area coated also with M's product. It's all shiny, glossy and moist now, no oily feel!

Another shot of the seat cleaned after.
Both seats along with arm rest cleaned. The brown pipes along the seats makes the entire interior look more distinctive now.
I collected the car and saw the difference in color of the entire interior. It seems that Dennis not only coated the dashboard and door trims, but also the door sills and pillar. He also worked his way outside the car, taking things a step further by coating and reconditioning the wiper link cover which is located outside the car just below the front windscreen.
The smell of the leather was also much stronger than it used to be.
Remember. With our weather, it is important to keep the dashboard coated. You don;t want it drying up, wrinkling and "pulling". The same goes for leather, pvc and any other materials.
Dennis now does auto detailing, interior cleaning, steam cleaning along with other jobs where an auto detailer does. Kidnly contact him HERE for pricing and enquiries.
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