Friday, May 27, 2011

Old cars new cars

Am currently at MPS Auto Sunway doing my car alignment. Funny how my alignment ran off after rotating the front and rear tires. Honestly, at times, I get pissed at my car foe being such a bitch. You pay hundreds, and sometimes thousands to maintain this white little car with full of love and sentimental value.

You service it with premium oils, send it to the best tire shops in the country, giving it all the love it deserves. BUT, what if someday it breaks down by the highway?? Well, THAT, was what happened to me.

The car suffered form two breakdowns last month and got me stranded under the scorching sun for an hour. The car overheat, I ALSO OVERHEAT!!

Sometimes I think of just getting a new car, not facing any major problems at least for five years (well, not all new cars are problem free). But the cons are that you have to service the the bank loan if you get a new car, you're not allowed to do any modifications on the car such as rims, exhaust, air filter, etc. I void all warranties by nature... lol. Insurance is also expensive. Well, on the bright side, you get a maintenance free car, probably free service from the service centre, and a much more comfortable ride.

HOWEVER, I am just gonna maintain my ol' faithful car :). It has served me and my family for close to fifteen years and I will continue taking care of this car. I do not have to owe the bank for 5-7-9 years? I do not have to pay high insurance and I can do whatever mods I want to. Furthermore, this car is powerful, much more powerful than most of the new cars out there. Imagine doing a notch to a hundred in seven seconds :).

Great, while typing this blogpost.... the car just blew a radiator hose. Sigh.


Oh well, not to worry. Let the foreman settle it :).

So, as I was typing, there is alot of blood sweat and tears put into this car and I wouldn't have the heart to sell it. From turbocharging to chassis stiffening to soundproofing.

The cons of driving an old car is that... however much you spend and whatever you do to the car, that includes using good oil, good tires, replacing all bushes and hoses from time to time, something shitty is bound to happen. Either a brittle piece of plastic component in the engine bay cracking, radiator case cracking, broken hose, oil leakages, jammed brake caliper, burnt wirings, harsher rides, high fuel consumption, sluggish engine, etc.

You will never know what's gonna breakdown, you will never knw when you'll be stranded by the highway's road shoulder, you'll never know when will you be late for your appointments, and worse, you'll never know how much is the 'emergency' repair gonna cost you.

End of the day?? You call.

1. New car, bank loan.

2. Old car, love it, care for it, be prepared.
